Important Announcement
In view of the approaching start of the Jubilee 2025 when Holy Doors will be opened in the Papal Basilicas of Rome, we strongly recommend that participants confirm their registration and accommodation early to avoid potential availability issues. Secure your spot now to ensure a seamless experience at our upcoming conference.
Important Dates
Abstract Submissions Begin – 01 October 2024
Abstract Submissions End – 15 September 2025
Final Changes to Received Abstracts – 15 October 2025
Early-Bird Registrations Begin – 01 February 2025
Early-Bird Registrations End – 30 April 2024
Standard Registrations Begin – 01 May 2025
Mid Term Registrations End – 30 June 2025
Extended Registrations Begin - 01 July 2025
Extended Registrations End - 15 November 2025
Group Discounts
We offer a group discount of up to 20% for 5 or more participants. All participants must register together and only one invoice/receipt will be issued. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounted rate and tax may apply.
Additional Papers
Additional papers written and presented by the same author can be added to a full registration for an additional $200. This is only valid when a full registration is also in the author’s name.
Accompanying persons will not be issued invitation letters unless they are officially registered as 'accompanying persons,' in accordance with the guidelines outlined on the registration page. This policy ensures proper documentation and support for visa and travel arrangements. Please note that only those who complete the registration process as 'accompanying persons' are eligible to receive invitation letters. This measure is in place to maintain the integrity of the registration process and ensure that all attendees are accounted for in the conference arrangements.
Payment Information
Fees are payable in advance. We accept payment by most international credit or debit cards. You can also pay by bank transfer. You need to register to obtain an invoice or pay by credit/debit card.
Early-bird Special Rate
Early-bird registration rate of $549 is available until April 30, 2025 to encourage more participants to attend the conference. We suggest prospective participants to avail this discount by registering to the conference early.
Payment Deadlines
Early-bird fees must reach us no later than 30 April 2025 to ensure the special rate is applicable. Registrations can still be made after this date, provided payment is received by credit/debit card at the time of booking.
Participants arriving at the conference without having pre-registered are welcome subject to availability. Payment will be required on arrival.
Early-bird Conditions
In order to obtain the Early-bird rate, we must be in receipt of applicable conference registration fee by the published Early-bird date. Although we endeavor to notify paper acceptance before this date, external factors may prevent this. In the event of an author subsequently failing to have a paper accepted for the conference, a refund can be made and cancellation charges of $100 will apply.
Invoice Information/Changes
Before finally submitting your registration, please check your invoice carefully as changes made after an invoice has been raised will be subject to an administration charge of $25 per change made. If you do notice that you have made a mistake please notify us by email so that we can help you before raising your invoice. All registration queries should be sent to the conference secretary or to the email
Types of presentations at the conference:
Poster Presentation is only for students and interns who are pursuing their PhD and conducting original and significant research in the field (here, renewable energy). Talk duration is not given and posters are displayed before or after the lunch on all or any of the conference days and all attendees may interact directly with the presenters.
Student Delegate (Listener) is for students who wish to attend the conference but are not presenting any poster or any kind of presentation.
Speaker Presentation: For Plenary, Keynote and Invited speakers with the duration of presentation ranging from 20 to 30 minutes. Most of the speakers in this category are from academia and innovators at the forefront of renewable energy technologies.
Delegate is exclusively for attendees from renewable energy industry, organizations and other key players offering products or services in the field. Delegates are given 15-20 minutes duration for a presentation or can attend without presenting a talk.
Student registrations are applicable only for students with valid ID cards and a letter from their institution. Interns can also register under the student delegate category with an accompanying letter from the organization or their lab if they are in the middle of their research and have not yet produced a publication-worthy thesis.
Irrespective of the presentation type, attendees are provided access to all conference sessions including poster and speaker sessions, workshops, discussions and all lunch and coffee breaks.
Conference Proceedings
Conference proceedings with a dedicated ISBN/e-ISBN are supplied electronically/hard copy to all participants.
Please refer to cancellation terms and conditions.
*Cancellations under group registrations wherein the prospective participants have availed applicable discounts will be forwarded to the next event or will attract 70 per cent of the registered amount and the remainder will be refunded four weeks after the completion of the conference. Refunds towards accommodation will be made within eight weeks after the completion of the conference. A service charge of 5 percent will be levied for all refunds irrespective of the mode of payment(s) received.
Visa Information
Please note that we are not able to arrange visas for participants. We advise all participants to check with the nearest host country embassy whether or not a visa is needed. If you are likely to need a visa, we recommend that you make your application as soon as possible. To help you, once you have registered and paid to attend, we can issue a letter which confirms that you have registered and paid to participate in the conference. Invitation letters for accompanying persons cannot be provided.