Next-Gen Renewable Technologies: Breakthroughs and Applications
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Global Summit on
Renewable Energy -2025

November 19-21, 2025 | Venice, Italy



Invited Speakers

Prof. Houda Chihi

National School of Engineers of Tunis (ENIT), Tunisia

Prof. Vijayakumar Varadarajan

The University of New South Wales, Australia

Prof. Haar Lawrence

University of Brighton, United States

Prof. Vakur Sümer

Selcuk University, Turkey

Prof. Olivero Sergio

Polytechnic of Turin, Italy

Prof. Rory Shand

Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Prof. Lihong Zhang

East China University of Political Science and Law, China

Prof. Miquel Muñoz Cabré

Stockholm Environment Institute, United States

Prof. Kamil Kaygusuz

Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey

Prof. Victor C Azubike

University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom

Prof. Mourad Talbi

Center of Researches and Technologies of Energy of Borj C...

Prof. Vijay Vir Singh

Lingaya's Vidhyapeeth, India

Prof. Liting Wang

Beijing Normal University, China

Dr. Aysegul Demir

Turkcell, Turkey

Prof. Ira Martina Drupady

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Prof. Joosung Lee

Soonchunhyang University, Korea, Republic of

Prof. Mohsen A. M. El-Bendary

Helwan University, Egypt

Prof. Yinan Zhou

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Prof. Abu Md. Mehdi Hassan

Government City College, Bangladesh